Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Feast

Happy Father's Day! I am blessed to have the best Dad in the whole wide world (in my humble opinion). He is the kindest, sweetest, most gentle, and nicest person I have ever met in my entire life :) I love you, Dad! In fact, I admire my Dad so much that I married a man just like him - my sweet husband P! Love you too, babe! :)

Since my son is only two and isn't quite capable of doing much for Father's Day (other than saying "HAPPY DADDY B-DAY DADDY" to my hubby this morning), I wanted to take the matter into my own hands. I did a lot of prep work yesterday so we could spend more time today having fun and less time cooped up in the house. Mission accomplished! Dinner prep only took 30 or so minutes and we were able to spend most of the afternoon kayaking on the pond and hanging out in the backyard.

Our dinner was Jamaican Tempeh Patties with mango chutney, mango & black bean salad (adapted from Veganomicon, some Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, and Charming Chocolate Cupcakes from How It All Vegan!

Making the tempeh patties was a breeze tonight, since I had already made the dough and the tempeh filling yesterday. All I had to do today was roll out the dough, fill them, and bake them. Easy as 1-2-3!

After I rolled out the dough, I cut it into circles:

Added the spicy tempeh filling:
 Folded it over into a half-moon shape:
Crimped the edges with a fork to seal:
 And put them on a greased baking sheet:
 While they were baking, I threw together the mango-black bean salad (it also has red bell pepper and scallions):

Some golden brown patties with the salad:
 Served with some chutney and beer on the patio:
 The lime chutney was NASTY!! so we opened a jar of mango chutney too. The mango was much better!
And for dessert, cupcakes!

Hubby said he had a great day. That makes me happy! :) I got to talk to my Dad via Skype too, which was great!! Love you Dad, Love you Hubby!!!

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